Do you want to leverage social media to your brand’s advantage and use it to truly build a conversation? Pay attention to a whole year of holidays and their hashtags to get in on the digital fun!
Make Your Brand Present Online
Every brand wants to stay relevant on social media and engage with clients, customers, and partners. However, not every business owner is a social media junkie that lives online. After all, when you are engaged in running a business in real life, it can seem overwhelming to add monitoring a digital life on top of that.
If you want to get in on the conversation and spread your brand’s name and presence, one easy way to do that is by paying attention to national holidays that circulate online.
This will make sure that when people search or talk about these holidays on social media, your brand is a part of the conversation and a part of all of the social media fun!
In this article, we break down the top holiday hashtags month by month and take a look at how you might be able to leverage them to build brand awareness. Get ready for the #holidays.
SEE ALSO: Top 7 Social Media Techniques For Any Branding Campaign
#HelpfulTip: Only use holiday hashtags that make sense for your brand’s personality and voice. Forcefully flooding your company feed with holiday hashtags almost every day can seem inauthentic and turn people off.
- January 4th: World Braille Day – #worldbrailleday
- January 6th: National Cuddle Up Day – #cuddleupday
- January 14th: Dress Up Your Pet Day – #dressupyourpetday
- January 15th: National Hat Day – #nationalhatday
- January 21st: Martin Luther King Day – #MLKday
- January 22nd: Community Manager Appreciation Day – #CMAD
- January 23rd: Pie Day – #pieday
- January 27th: Chocolate Cake Day – #chocolatecakeday
- January 28th: Fun At Work Day – #funatworkday
#HelpfulTip: Not only are there specific days with holiday hashtags, but many months are recognized for different reasons. For example, February is both Black History Month and American Heart Month.
- February 2nd: Groundhog Day – #groundhogday
- February 3rd: Superbowl Sunday – #superbowl
- February 4th: World Cancer Day – #worldcancerday
- February 5th: Safer Internet Day – #SID2019
- February 9th: National Pizza Day – #nationalpizzaday
- February 14th: Valentine’s Day – #valentinesday
- February 17th: Random Acts of Kindness Day – #kindnessday
- February 20th: Love Your Pet Day – #loveyourpetday
- February 22nd: National Margarita Day – #nationalmargaritaday
- February 26th: National Pistachio Day- #pistachioday

#HelpfulTip: Give your brand a human touch. On appropriate national holidays, put you and others who work behind the scenes front and center on social media. This will help people build a relationship that feels more concrete with your business.
- March 5th: National Pancake Day – #nationalpancakeday
- March 6th: Dentist’s Day – #dentistsday
- March 8th: International Women’s Day – #IWD
- March 14th: National Pi Day – #piday
- March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day – #stpatricksday
- March 23rd: National Puppy Day – #nationalpuppyday
- March 25th: Waffle Day – #waffleday
- March 26th: National Spinach Day – #nationalspinachday
- March 31st: International Transgender Day of Visibility – #transdayofvisibility
#HelpfulTip: Always be aware of what you are posting about. Hashtag holidays that relate to historical, political, social or illness awareness need to be handled appropriately on social media.
- April 1st: April Fool’s Day – #aprilfools
- April 2nd: Equal Pay Day – #equalpayday
- April 3rd: World Party Day – #worldpartyday
- April 7th: National Beer Day – #nationalbeerday
- April 16th: National Stress Awareness Day – #stressawarenessday
- April 18th: National High Five Day – #highfiveday
- April 23rd: National Picnic Day – #nationalpicnicday
- April 26th: National Pretzel Day – #nationalpretzelday
#HelpfulTip: Have fun! If it makes sense with your brand image and voice, and your businesses offerings, don’t be afraid to have a little bit of fun with the holiday hashtags that inspire you to do so.
- May 1st: Loyalty Day – #loyaltyday
- May 4th: Starwars Day – #starwarsday
- May 7th: National Teacher’s Day – #thankateacher
- May 8th: World Ovarian Cancer Day – #ovariancancerday
- May 12th: International Nurses Day – #nursesday
- May 15th: National Chocolate Chip Day – #chocolatechipday
- May 25th: African Liberation Day – #africanliberationday

#HelpfulTip: Narrow in. Focus on hashtag holidays that apply to your niche. For example, if your business is a bar, your digital brand should definitely get some National Martini Day posts in on social media.
- June 2nd: Native American Citizenship Day – #nativeamericancitizenshipday
- June 5th: Hot Air Balloon Day – #hotairballoonday
- June 7th: National Doughnut Day – #doughnutday
- June 15th: Nature Photography Day – #naturephotographyday
- June 19th: National Martini Day – #nationalmartiniday
- June 21st: National Selfie Day – #nationalselfieday
- June 30th: Social Media Day – #SMday
#HelpfulTip: Get your audience involved. On appropriate holidays, maybe hold a contest or do something else to inspire your audience to create user generated content including the holiday and your digital brand.
- July 1st: International Joke Day – #tellajoke
- July 2nd: World UFO Day – #UFOday
- July 13th: National French Fry Day – #nationalfrenchfryday
- July 14th: Shark Awareness Day – #sharkawarenessday
- July 17th: World Emoji Day – #worldemojiday
- July 20th: National Lollipop Day – #nationallollipopday
- July 21st: National Ice Cream Day – #nationalicecreamday
- July 24th: National Tequila Day – #nationaltequiladay
- July 28th: Parent’s Day – #parentsday
- July 30th: International Day of Friendship – #dayoffriendship
SEE ALSO: How to Use User Generated Content to Build Your Digital Brand
#HelpfulTip: If you are new to social media, start by focusing on only one site at a time. If you spread your attention too thin, you may not be able to cultivate a true following on any platform.
- August 3rd: National Watermelon Day – #watermelonday
- August 4th: Campfire Day – #campfireday
- August 9th: National Book Lovers Day – #nationalbookloversday
- August 10th: Lazy Day – #nationallazyday
- August 15th: National Relaxation Day – #nationalrelaxationday
- August 21st: Senior Citizen Day – #seniorcitizenday
- August 26th: National Dog Day – #nationaldogday
- August 27th: Global Forgiveness Day – #globalforgivenessday
- August 31st: International Bacon Day – #baconday
#HelpfulTip: Where do the followers and customers you want to attract hang out online? Find out and put your focus there.
- September 4th: World Sexual Health Day – #sexualhealthday
- September 5th: International Day of Charity – #internationaldayofcharity
- September 12th: National Video Games Day – #videogameday
- September 13th: Positive Thinking Day – #positivethoughts
- September 19th: International Talk Like A Pirate Day – #talklikeapirateday
- September 21st: International Peace Day – #dayofpeace
- September 23rd: International Celebrate Bisexuality Day – #celebratebisexuality
- September 29th: International Coffee Day – #internationalcoffeeday
- September 30th: International Podcast Day – #internationalpodcastday

#HelpfulTip: Get talking. Represent your brand online the same way you would in real life. Don’t be afraid to join and start conversations.
- October 1st: World Vegetarian Day – #worldvegetarianday
- October 2nd: World Cerebral Palsy Day – #cerebralpalsyday
- October 4th: National Taco Day – #nationaltacoday
- October 10th: World Mental Health Day – #worldmentalhealthday
- October 11th: National Coming Out Day – #nationalcomingoutday
- October 14th: Indigenous Peoples Day – #indigenouspeoplesday
- October 16th: Bosses Day – #nationalbossday
- October 25th: World Pasta Day – #worldpastaday
- October 26th: National Pumpkin Day – #nationalpumpkinday
- October 29th: National Internet Day – #internetday
#HelpfulTip: If you feel overwhelmed about building a social media presence, you don’t have to go it alone. Digital branding services can help.
- November 1st: World Vegan Day – #veganday
- November 3rd: Sandwich Day – #sandwichday
- November 4th: International Candy Day – #candyday
- November 8th: STEM/STEAM Day – #stemsteamday
- November 13th: World Kindness Day – #worldkindnessday
- November 14th: World Diabetes Day – #worlddiabetesday
- November 17th: National Adoption Day – #nationaladoptionday
- November 29th: Black Friday – #blackfriday
- November 30th: Small Business Saturday – #smallbusinesssaturday
#HelpfulTip: Make hashtags for your own company events and product launches to get in on the fun!
- December 2nd: Cyber Monday – #cybermonday
- December 3rd: Giving Tuesday – #givingtuesday
- December 4th: National Cookie Day – #nationalcookieday
- December 8th: National Brownie Day – #nationalbrownieday
- December 9th: International Children’s Day – #childrensday
- December 10th: Human Rights Day – #humanrightsday
- December 21st: Crossword Puzzle Day – #corsswordpuzzleday
- December 23rd: Festivus – #festivus
- December 24th: National Eggnog Day – #nationaleggnogday
- December 28th: Card Playing Day – #cardplayingday