Top 5 Reasons To Add A Podcast To Your Website

A podcast is your connection to your listeners who value your knowledge and wish to learn from you.  There are different forms of podcasts, and knowing which one suits you best is the first step towards making this happen.  Once you feel prepared to give it a go, you’ll have to sell it to your listeners!  Here’s how you can get started!

Even if most of us can’t realize it, we’re presently living a historical time. I’d like to call it the “digital era;” the term is not new, as more people have started to define our present times exactly like I did.

There are now millions of companies that are promoting their products and services through the use of websites. A professional and successful website contains exceptional content, professional & clean design, has something unique, and delivers a lot of value. Content and value are two of the most important things if you want to capture your website visitors’ attention. Today we’re going to tackle a great website promotion strategy called podcasting.

Podcasts – Are They Really Worth It?

A podcast is an audio file which has been compressed into a digital form and usually delivered with the use of RSS feeds. The best thing about podcasts is that despite their name, they don’t require a special device. If you have a pair of speakers available, you can easily start listening to the content.

Podcasts have a very simple role: deliver information through the use of different distribution channels while also making it accessible for the user to consume the content.

Nowadays, there are more types of podcasts available:

Audio Podcasts

Audio only often has an mp3 format and is probably the most popular form of podcasting (the one we’ll be focusing more today).

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Video Podcasts


Video podcasts are sources of video content. Even though the normal videos are creating a lot of competition, they still capture marketers’ attention. There are usually mp4v or mp4 H.264 formats.

Enhanced Podcasts

Imagine a power-point presentation that also narrates everything that’s being shown. Enhanced podcasts are a unique kind of podcast which combines audio content with images.

The Main Benefits of Podcasts for Today’s Websites

Podcasting offers businesses and websites from all around the web plenty of benefits! Some even dedicate their success to the podcast that they’ve produced. You see, some influencers become famous because of the value they deliver through their podcasts.

Take Pat Flynn as an example, or Gary Vaynerchuk. Both of them are individuals who have succeeded in proving to be incredible sources of information. The most valuable content is found throughout their podcasts. Check them out and see what I’m talking about.

Builds a Lot of Authority

When you have around a thousand people which are listening to your podcast and never miss an episode, you can be sure that you’re perceived as an expert in the field. When people consider you “guru” or “expert,” they’re most likely to trust you more than an average blogger or small business. They are willing to follow your tips and advice, and they count on you.

All of this… builds a lot of authority. If you are an authoritative figure in the field of activity that your website’s operating in, everything’s simplified. You don’t have to create incredible sales copies in order to sell your products, you don’t have to persuade, and that’s all because people trust your authority and they’re willing to follow you.

Extremely Cheap and Simply Produced

Compared to other forms of content distribution channels, such as videos, podcasting is quite cheap. If you want to be professional about it, then I’d recommend buying efficient tools or turning for help to professionals at Australian Writings who can provide you with great quality content. Or you can simply use your existent microphone and some basic audio recording software.

First, get a good microphone and make sure that you have a good PC. Second, you should consider taking advantage of some podcasting tools. These could be audio recording software, editing software, and basically software that will make your podcasting activity easier. Everyone could do it, but if you want to be better than “everyone,” I’d suggest investing some bucks in it.

It Connects You with Your Audience


People crave for connections. As human beings, we need to feel that we’re connected to something. Think about it…how fast would you trust someone from the internet? We usually have a shield, and consumer shields are way stronger nowadays than they were a few years ago. That’s all because of the aggressive marketing!

Podcasting is a great way of pitching products to your subscribers and podcast listeners. If you do it once or twice per each thirty minutes, people won’t believe that you only want to sell them something. You can pitch them anything; they won’t be mad because you’re already offering them enough value!

Warning. Some websites have podcasts that sell more than they educate. That is not the purpose of a podcast; in fact, the podcast’s purpose is to educate the listener/viewer about a certain topic. Then, and only then, the viewer can come across certain promotional offers which are also extremely relevant to their needs.

Brand Awareness

Your brand awareness can definitely improve due to the podcasting’s effects. You can come up with something new; a great idea, a great speech, a great comparison. When you do that, you make an impact; people will remember what they’ve listened to or seen. When certain triggers and thoughts related to your information come up, they’ll share it with someone else.

This is basically word-of-mouth marketing, and it can influence your website stats big time! The other type of brand awareness is the social media sharing. Your podcast episodes will be shared by hundreds of people. It just takes one moment for someone to start your first podcast episode. Then, there’s a chance that he will stay with you a few more years!

Most of you might think “well, I should just focus on gathering millions of followers and everything’s going to be fine.” That’s not the right approach. You should always focus on improving yourself, your content and your distribution methods. If you’re valuable, don’t worry about gaining enough traffic to your podcast. People will love you for what you’re offering, and that will keep them around!

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More Business Success


By creating authority, by creating a specific connection with your followers, and by improving your brand’s awareness, it’s pretty obvious that your business success chances grow. You can expect more sales, and that’s because everything’s connected. The more traits your website has, the more sales you’ll make.

Developing an awesome website isn’t easy. Podcasting is a huge trait for someone who wants to become an authority in the field. When everything happens like I’ve previously explained, your business results will skyrocket. Create more types of content, including podcasts, and start noticing the amazing results that’ll show up.


Podcasting is full of potential. Any business can definitely take advantage of this awesome content distribution strategy. Not only will it offer your website thousands of benefits, but you’re also going to become a “king” in the field.

If your website is popular already, you obviously have more chances of capturing your first subscribers’ attention.

Start looking for a possible topic of discussion and consider turning them into a podcast. Go for the audio, as they’re always easier and cheaper to produce! Good luck in your journey, and don’t forget: action is the key to success.

Written by
Jessica Freeman

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