Consumers engage with content more than online ads. As a result, more brands are creating content to meet consumers’ expectations.
Now brands are attempting to cut through the clutter by producing content that fosters better relationships with audiences.
This article will provide you with the 5 C’s of content creation for your brand.
1. Be Consistent
Malcolm Gladwell states that one can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice. Imagine if you apply this theory with your social media efforts. After implementing this theory, how many followers and engagements do you think you’ll generate?
Naturally, you are sure to get a significant lift in engagements. However, most people don’t have the time to track–let alone execute–10,000 hours of social media communications. But no matter how much time you put into social media, you must be consistent.
Now let’s take this one step further.
Your social media communications should also be relevant. To build your profile as a source that provides quality content, you must add relevance to your consistent communications.
With so many sources of information available to your target audience, you want to position your brand as a resource that produces valuable content.
Being constant and relevant is one way to meet this objective.
2. Be Credible
Businesses can no longer produce fallacious communication without suffering consumer backlash. Thanks to social media, consumers are now the online auditors and fact-checkers.
Simply put, they’ll call you out.
So it’s best to be transparent with your campaigns.
Transparency will build better relationships with your target audience as they naturally like to do business with someone they know and like.
Transparency will add credibility to your communications by addressing any negative assumptions or accusations before they begin. It keeps consumers informed and follows good ethics.
No one trusts a suspect resource.
Establish your credibility upfront so you can continue building consumer relationships for the long-term.
3. Be Contextual
What’s the point of developing content that isn’t relevant to your audience? Knowing your audience and what appeals to them is key. Connecting the dots between your brand and your audience’s lifestyle is vital to your content marketing campaign.
Think about how your target audience will consume your content.
For instance, will your audience consume content before work, after work, during lunch, on the weekends? Once you understand these habits you can adjust your content accordingly.
4. Be Cohesive
Tell the same story across all platforms. If you’re tweeting about apples and creating videos about oranges you may be confusing your audience.
With all the marketing and advertising to which your audience is exposed, there’s no need to add to the confusion. Make it easy for them to immediately identify your brand.
If your website shows apple imagery then your social media should reflect the same.
5. Be Concise
KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.
This is a great acronym to use when developing content for your campaigns. If you are short in length and simple in communication your content will have a greater reach.
We live in a world of instant gratification and quick fixes. Please consider this when creating your content.
How are you using these 5 C’s in your content marketing?