As marketers, business owners, and bloggers we all have come across roadblocks when creating marketing content.
Thanks to the folks at Copyblogger, we have help getting over the hump. They created an infographic that highlights 22 ways to create compelling content.
For your convenience, here are some key insights:
22 Ways to Create Compelling Content
- Curate your Content. Compile a list of 10 favorite blog posts from other blogs.
- Try Group Brainstorming. Ask some friends for ideas (i.e. offline friends, online peers and blogger friends.)
- Ask your readers. Get some help from your readers by asking what they would like to read about or asking a question to get some feedback.
- Interview someone. Writing a few questions for someone else to answer is easier than turning out a whole post.
- Let a Guest Write. Guest posts can add content effortlessly to your blog.
- Write best-case studies.
- Write worst-case studies.
- Review something. Pick a product or service and write what you like and dislike about it and whether you would recommend it.
- Share your success. Show people step-by-step how you got to where you are today.
- Share your failures. Write about your biggest challenges and what you learned from them.
- Relive the memories. Pick some of your most useful older posts and share them for new readers.
- Try Movies. Popular movies are a great place to get ideas.
- Try Television. Choose television shows that your audience would likely watch. Look at some of the most popular shows with your target audience.
- Use Books. Use the author’s name or the book title, but aim for fiction or poetry for more impact.
- Try Comics. Superheroes make for great blog post themes.
- Analyze top trends. Check Google Trends to see what’s hot right now and work that into your post to boost rankings.
- Use Celebrity. Any celebrity will do, from musician to actor to popular writer or speaker.
- Take a Walk. Breaking up the routine can help restart your brain…but this doesn’t work for everyone. You have to figure out what your triggers are.
- Watch a Play. The atmosphere of a theater can be very stimulating and is a better option than going to a movie where there is little going on.
- Expand your cultural horizons. Hit up a new ethnic restaurant and make it a real experience.
- Get Personal. Tell a personal story on your blog. This can be tough but it’s a great way to really connect with your readers.
- Recycle your content.
What have you done to get over a creative roadblock? In which innovative ways have you come up with great content?