If you do not live under a rock, you can witness a change in marketing strategies that businesses and brands are employing. Every time you look around there is a new social network or significant growth in emerging platforms which keep marketers on their toes. As consumers’ attitudes and usage of these platforms change, so must our marketing strategies. With this in mind, I have identified key marketing tips and techniques that have shown significant growth in the past year and have proven successful for other businesses.
There’s no better way to present this list than in “Top 10” format. Let’s face it, we all love top ten lists because they provide insight on how we should prioritize subject matters and they tell more about the author’s thoughts and beliefs. With that said, here are the top ten marketing tips that I will share with my clients this year:
Here we go…
10) Recycle Your Content
Why add more work than needed. Although it doesn’t hurt, you don’t need to create unique content for each and every social media site. Simply create a content piece and repurpose it for all your social media accounts. For instance, take the core components of that content and make it 140 characters for Twitter, a 30 second video for YouTube, an Infographic for Pinterest, and…well you get the point.
9) Put Your Customers First
Customer service is more important this year than last. More of your customers are using social media and more of them are speaking about their experience with your business online than last year. Additionally, more of your customers are expecting a response when they reach out to your business via social media.
8) Try Crowd Sourcing
Don’t just collect followers like baseball cards–engage with them. Have them contribute to your marketing ideas as they will help you build content. Giving the people what they want is an adage that applies to social media. By listening to your customers and leveraging their creativity, you will create viral content that expands your digital footprint. For information on how to leverage your social audience as a focus group, click here.
7) Use More Pictures
A picture is worth a thousand words. It’s also worth seriously considering prioritizing photo posts when engaging with your audience. For instance, Infographics, photos, picture boards, videos, and other forms of rich-media will help your audience digest your marketing communication faster than ever before.
6) The Game Has Just Begun
Ask yourself: How long will a potential customer engage with your brand when they come across a social media post? Then ask: How long will they engage with a game that features your product. Get the picture?
5) Mobile is a MUST
Mobile marketing is important as it is a medium that provides an enhanced marketing campaign by including marketing messages wherever the customer resides. With the advancement of smartphone technology, businesses now have access to consumers virtually everywhere. This year, more businesses are beefing up their mobile marketing. Don’t get left behind.
4) Content is KING
Today’s consumer understands how to utilize the Internet to get information that appeals to him or her. Isn’t this the impetus of social media? Now people want to engage with content rather than an advertisement which is why you must prioritize content creation within your marketing strategies.
3) Use Context
Marketers must go beyond simply creating content to creating a personalized experience for their target customers. Learn what they like, how they do things, and what they believe, and consider those things when engaging with customers. If done correctly, you will have deeper and more meaningful relationships and better results.
2) Understand Changes in SEO
Gone are the days of keywords and H1 tags on the page. Today, you will see an increase in search engine rankings if you create appealing original content that is socially consumed and shared. More importantly, Google has caught on to the blackhat SEO tactics employed to have sites rank higher and they have revamped their algorithm to compensate.
1) Your Main Marketing Priority for 2013 should be…
If you haven’t noticed already, push marketing strategies are no longer effective. Consumers are inundated with marketing messages every second and, in turn, have become savvier. As a result, business must reach consumers at multiple touch points and use them to build relationships with potential customers. This, in essence, is a pull strategy. Engage consumers to the point where it sparks interest in your product or service. Ultimately, that interest will lead them to your checkout basket.
How does this list look to you? Would you change the order of certain tactics? Have I missed anything? Chime in!