I’m sure everyone is using Twitter, but not sure if everyone knows how to get the most out of the site. If the latter applies, below you will find a list of tools to enhance your Twitter strategy and become a power user.
Twitter Tools
Followerwonk is a free Twitter analytics tool that helps you find, analyze and optimize your account for social growth. The tool has five features: search Twitter bios, compare users, analyze followers, track followers and sort followers.
Tweriod is a Twitter tool that determines the best time of day to tweet. After signing in with your Twitter account, the tool will sample up to 1,000 of your followers and generate a report. Your report will show you the times of days and days of the week when you’ll have the most exposure.
Looking for a more visual representation of your Twitter activity? Tweetsheet is a free tool that takes highlights from your Twitter account—such as your top followers, geographic impact and most retweeted posts—and turns it into an infographic.
Twitonomy is a Twitter analytics tool and dashboard currently in beta. The analytics features of Twitonomy track your average tweets per day, the number of links you tweet, the percentage of your tweets that are retweeted, the users you retweet most often, the users you reply to most, your top hashtags and more.
TwileShare is a free service that lets you upload and share files on Twitter—images, documents, PDFs, ebooks and more.
TwileShare gives you 1GB of storage and lets you view statistics on how many people have viewed your file. To upload a file, visit the website and allow it access to your Twitter account. Select the file you want to upload and share, create a message to accompany it, then click “Share It.”
Ever wonder how many of your Twitter followers are actually spam accounts? Twitblock, a free tool, scans your account for such followers, and lets you decide whether an account is spam, lets you block the account or report it.
Twilert is a free web app that sends you regular email updates with tweets containing your brand, product, service or any other keyword. Think of it as Google Alerts for Twitter.
If you’re looking for new followers—or want to be found more easily—Twellow, or the Yellow Book for Twitter, lets you do both. Twellow is a robust directory of who’s who on Twitter. You can search by category, such as “Society & Culture” or “Computers & Technology,” or enter in a search term. You can also choose to be listed in its directory. Twellow will pull your Twitter bio and show how you rank in a number of categories it believes you are knowledgeable about.
Twitter Counter is a free tool that tracks your Twitter follower stats: from the number of followers you have and how that number has grown over a period of time, to predictions on how many followers you’ll have in the future. You can also compare your growth to that of other Twitter accounts.