Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any business’ social media strategy.
Boasting over 200 million users, this social network is going to grow very quickly as Google is making a Google+ account mandatory for all Gmail users. Google + is also playing a major role in SEO by making it easier for marketers to show up in search results.
Below you will find key functions on how to market your business using Google+:
About Page
An essential but often overlooked important first step, the about page is a fantastic opportunity to give a quick overview of what your business is all about. You can also link back to specific pages and services from this page directing potential customers to the most important pages on your website.
It’s important to have a balance of marketing savvy copy that’s also SEO friendly. Make sure to include information that searchers will want to know about your company.
Take advantage of the fact that Google+ allows you to use bullets in your description which makes it simple to create an easy-to-read list of your products and services. You can also include links to specific pages and a contact form. Test and track different variations to see what works best for your business.
Google Events
The Events feature allows G+ users to send out customized invitations to anyone regardless of whether or not they are G+ users. It syncs beautifully with Google Calendar and shows up automatically when a user confirms for an event. In addition to sending out invites to webinars, work functions, parties, etc., Google Events can also send out invites for Google Hangouts. This could be the catalyst that gets your business on board to start using Hangouts or increase the awareness and attendance of the events you are already hosting.
The “Party mode” feature of Events allows everyone in attendance to instantly upload pictures to the same album using the Google+ mobile app, creating a living, real-time photo journal of a specific time and place. You can then show the photos off in chronological order as a slideshow all within Google+.
This functionality allows you to segment your followers. Unlike other social networks, through Circles, you can develop personas and communicate highly segmented messaging to each audience. This allows you to have a more authentic dialogue with your key prospects.
Use Google+ Hangouts for video conferencing. Again, the beauty here is that it is highly integrated with other Google applications. So, if you use Google apps for your business, Hangouts can be a quick and easy way to connect teams and get some face time with a prospect.
Claim Your Ownership of Content
Google is aggressively using SEO benefits to entice web masters and bloggers to engage with Google+. Google Authorship is how Google authenticates and will increasingly begin to “trust” you as a quality source of content. Setting up Google Authorship is simple and straightforward. You identify yourself to Google through your Google+ profile and then link back to it from your content and vice versa. Google authorship is the easiest way to take advantage of the SEO benefits of Google+. Doing so will allow the author’s picture to show up next to his blog posts in Google search results, causing higher rankings and click through rates.
The Business Benefits of Setting Up Google Authorship:
• Increases awareness of your overall Google+ profile page
• Adds a human element to your content and increases trustworthiness
• Helps your content stand out within crowded search page results
• Improves your chances of showing up in more personalized search results
• Protects the original post’s ranking position as higher than a post that has scraped or syndicated the original content
• Studies have shown that Google Authorship increases click through rates
If you feel this information was helpful, please share it! How do you leverage Google+ for your business?