We don’t need more content marketing. We need more relevant content. Here’s how to make content worth talking about.
As a marketer, I see the importance of providing consistent content. However, as a consumer, I want content that’s relevant to me and my current challenge. So, I took this into consideration when writing this post.
Now let’s start with the basics.
Content marketing is a process in which organizations develop content to attract and convert customers. Since content marketing is the latest proven marketing technique, organizations are cranking out content faster than ever.
Unfortunately, it seems like they are creating content for content’s sake, without developing the strategy to make each piece successful.
Depending on who you ask, successful content can have different meanings. Some organizations may consider a high number of social shares, or clicks, or conversions as successful.
If so, you will eventually see an abundance of social shares, clicks, and conversions for your content. It starts with developing a strategy before production to ensure its success.
Here’s how to make content worth talking about
Leverage Social Issues
Leveraging social issues is a smart way to ensure your content will be talked about– especially if you are targeting niche audiences. Let’s say you wanted to focus on leveraging the momentum of an LGBT campaign. Regardless of your thoughts on this issue, there’s a chance that segments of your target audience belong to this community.
When developing content worth talking about, you should convey authenticity for both your brand and the social issue to which the content appeals.
Here’s an example:
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada partnered for an HIV Awareness campaign. The UFC and The Center have launched an awareness campaign called “Protect Yourself At All Times.”
This is a great example of how to leverage social issues while still conveying authenticity for both the brand and the partner.
Feed The Visual Beast
Sometimes the medium is more important than the message. When creating content worth talking about, it is critical to enhance it with visual elements. In today’s highly visual world, consumers are engaging with visual content more than text.
In particular, when you make content worth talking about, a video is the best form. It’s easy to comprehend, shareable, and scalable on social networks that reward this type of content.
For instance, Facebook!
The network understands we are living in a highly visual world and encourages users to post more videos.
You must consider video if you want to make content worth talking about.
Influence Trumps Authority
Influence certainly trumps authority. Not convinced?
Let me ask you:
What holds more weight, positive reviews from a movie critic or a close friend?
Although the critic may have the technical background to determine what makes a good film, he may not know your taste in movies. However, a close friend will know that you like Samuel L. Jackson and anything he stars in you believe is a hit–and then there was Snakes On A Plane.
Moreover, when you make content worth talking about, it is important to understand that influencers are critical to helping fuel the conversation around your content.
If being an authority is a strong suit and influencing your audience is a challenge, it’s time to work with influencers to help fuel your content amplification.
Bottom-line, if they believe your content is worth talking about, they will!
Final Thought
Creating relevant content should be top of mind when you make content worth talking about. Ask yourself if it’s worth talking about before publishing your content. Does it leverage a social trend? Is it visual? Does it have the power to influence by conveying authenticity?
These questions need to be answered when making content worth talking about. Once answered and executed, you’ll eventually see an abundance of social shares, clicks, and conversions for your content.
How will you make sure that you are writing content worth talking about? Let me know in the comments section below.