Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

There may not be a magic button to bring in a rapt and focused audience to your digital brand, but these growth hacking tips are the next best thing. 

Once you’ve developed your digital brand, you naturally want to see if it’s benefitting your business. If you find yourself looking to increase your digital branding ROI, keep reading as I will outline some digital brand growth hacking tips that you’ll enjoy.

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

My team and I have compiled great tips that will soon bring your digital brand out of obscurity. These growth hacking tips can bring in a new audience using just a few modifications to what you’re already doing.

I know you’re busy managing your business and personal responsibilities and need quick results to grow our business. The hacks we’ve compiled might just be the thing you’re missing.

Social Media Hacking Tips

Social media is one of the best places to engage and learn about your audience. These social media hacking tips will make your life much easier when posting about your business on social media.

One quick way to get growth is to engage in your communities. Respond to your questions on LinkedIn. Answer questions in Quora and Reddit. Become a resource in all the communities you frequent to show people how much of an asset your brand is.

You can also run an Instagram contest to drum up interest and create followers. This option is also great because it can allow you to collect user-generated content.

SEE ALSO: How to Use User Generated Content to Build Your Digital Brand

Adding free stock images can also spruce up your social media post. Posts with an image generate higher levels of engagement than those without. Sites like Pexels and Unsplash can help you find great images.

Tools to Manage Your Social Media

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

Buffer is a great website that can give you an optimized posting schedule to determine the best time to post throughout the day based on the highest engagement of your audience.

Statusbrew is another great way to manage your social media. Through Statusbrew, you can see who’s following you and who isn’t on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

Buzzsumo is a great site to check out what the most shared content for a keyword is. Just enter the search term and it will tell you the most popular and shared content using the keyword.

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

MeetEdgar will automate posts for you. You can upload new content and manually schedule it to out on one or multiple social accounts at a specific time.

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

Mention can show you who’s talking about your brand. With Mention you can create alerts for when anyone mentions you or mentions a specific keyword.

Email Hacking Tips

Email is another way we maintain a relationship with our audience and shouldn’t be discounted just because of the popularity of social media posts. Many people still rely on their email to alert them to new content, checking their emails before they check your posts.

SEE ALSO: How to Negotiate An Email Sponsorship

Here are some tips to grow your email list:

– Clean up your email list

Use your email provider to lay out those users who have not opened one of your emails in three months. Remove those users in order to get a better engagement with active users and your real audience.

Use names in your subject line

  • It’s one of the easiest ways to increase your email open rate. In order to do this, you want to make sure you have a name-fill option available for users.

– Send an “oops! Forgot the link” email

  • Automated follow-up emails can incorporate some human-like errors in your email sequences. One trick is to send one email that’s missing either the link, the most important message that you want your audience to read. Then follow up in 4 or 5 minutes, sending that missing piece of information.
  • The two emails might have the same open rate, but the conversion of the second email tends to skyrocket.

– Send emails from a real person

  • Use an email address with a first and last name rather than the company’s name.
  • People respond better to actual people than to general email.

– Use Hubspot to see who’s reading your emails

  • Know the second a lead opens an email, and get an idea of who’s generally interested in your product or service.

– Use Boomerang to schedule email directly from your Gmail account

  • Use it to set up follow up email if the recipient doesn’t reply within a set time.
  • Boomerang also has a chrome extension which can send reminders.

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

Website or Blog Hacking Tips

How to can you drive more traffic to your website and blog? How can you get more leads and conversions? These are some of the biggest questions that could be running through your mind after creating a new website, or even after its creation if you’ve noticed a lag in your growth.

Before becoming too frustrated, try out these tips:

– Make your 404 URL page a landing page. This page is prime real estate.

– Use 30% scroll popups on your content.

  • Scroll popups are a content marketer’s little secret.
  • When your readers are scrolling down a message will popup with an ebook or checklist call to action to join a community.
  • Make sure you have a plugin using a WordPress site to use scroll popups.

– Drive traffic to landing pages instead of your homepage.

  • This is probably the biggest mistake for a new marketer. Never ever drive advertising traffic to your home page, drive them to the dedicated landing page.

– Make your Call To Action say exactly what the button will do.

  • For example, “Get my discount”, “See the 100 Growth Hacks”. Be clear describing that the button will do for the audience.

– Syndicate your content on LinkedIn.

  • Put information from your post on LinkedIn with a link back to your website.

– Create round-up posts featuring influencers to help the content go viral.

– Use directional cues.

  • When you are designing content or layout of your website use direct cues such as arrows.

– Make the length of your landing page proportionate to the size of your offer.

  • For example, if you want users to enter their email address, simply design one page with the call to action for users to enter the email address.

– Add a negative statement to close a popup, rather than just having an x. It will make users reconsider their action.

– When analyzing traffic, use Google Analytics to determine top referrers, then double down.

  • Chances are your website is receiving referrals that you may not even know.

Content Hacking Tips

Digital Brand Growth Hacking Tips

We all know content is the king in the digital space. It is the weapon you use to attract traffic and maintain an audience. There are a few easy hacks that you can employ here to make your content resonate even better with your audience.

One great hack is to produce content which piggybacks off of a big industry event. Create content relating to that big event such as meeting debrief, Q&A summary, and share it on social media during that event using appropriate hashtag and @mention.

You can also send a newsletter over the weekend about your articles from the week before to generate more traffic during the weekend with minimum effort.

Adding content upgrades are also a good option. These are an extension of your content that can include bonus strategies from a blog post, a video recording, checklist, or other resources.

If you’re new to the market, you can use the skyscraper technique to own a niche. This will increase the chances for you to get exposure in a business space. First, you’ll have to find proven linkable assets. Buzzsumo is a great way to find popular posts for this. Then recreate the information into something better than the original and reach out to people using Moz to get some attention.

SEE ALSO: How to Create a Social Content Strategy for Your Brand

Advertising and Business Development Hacking Tips

Advertising and business development can feel overwhelming. With a few tricks, you can navigate these aspects of your digital brand with more ease.


  • Target your best leads across Google search, Gmail, and YouTube by using Google Customer Match.
    • Upload a list of contacts, and use this tool to target your audience.
  • Do Google AdWords email based targeting.
  • Use SpyFu to see how much your competitors are spending on ads.
    • For example, you can see how your competitors are using Google for paid searches over the past nine years.

Business Development

  • Create a Google business page tie to a physical location of your business.
  • Launch on a Tuesday.
    • It’s the best day of the week to launch a product, a feature, or article since it’s the day of highest engagement on social media.
  • Create a referral contest.

Final Thoughts

These hacks can literally change your business overnight. Making small changes to how you use social media, emails, how you write your content, and how you advertise all add up. Applying just one hack to each aspect will soon have your digital brand expanding and your business growing.

Which digital brand hacking tip stood out to you?

Written by
Juntae DeLane

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