5 Digital Branding Tools You Can’t Do Without

5 Digital Branding Tools You Can’t Do Without

Finding tools to help you manage your digital presence is an important step in customer acquisition and retention. Here are 5 digital branding tools that you can’t do without when it comes to tracking and analyzing your performance.

5 Digital Branding Tools You Can’t Do Without

1. Search Engine Optimization- SEMrush

SEMrush is an SEO tool that gives brands insight into the top ranked keywords in their market. In addition to providing information on best SEO practices to increase traffic, the suite also provides information on what competitors are using to increase engagement on their websites and social media.

One of the best features of SEMrush is that it ranks SEO keywords by device (desktop, mobile, and tablet). This is useful for brands that want to optimize their websites for users on a particular device or across different devices.

Branding Tools SEMrush

SEE ALSO: Why Content is Important for Your SEO

2. Analytics- Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that integrates with your website to track and analyze audience engagement. It helps brands answer questions such as:

  • How many people are visiting your site every day?
  • What pages are they going to?
  • Are Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns having an affect on sales conversions?

Essentially, it helps brands understand which of their content and marketing strategies are working or not working. This gives valuable insight into what areas of a site need to be optimized.

Branding Tools Google Analytics

3. Email Marketing- MailChimp

MailChimp is an email service provider that makes it easy to design and promote marketing campaigns.

In addition, to sign up forms that embed into social media platforms, MailChimp also offers customizable newsletters that can be tailored to promotions, press stories or other content.

Note: MailChimp offers integration with several CRM plugins, such as Zoho CRM and Pipedrive. But MailChimp does not have CRM capabilities on its own.

Branding Tools Mailchimp

4. Mention Tracking- Trackur

Trackur is a social listening tool that helps track mentions across the world wide web. From relevant conversations about your brand or keywords related to your products and services, Trackur gives users an in depth look at their reputation.

For example, a company might use Trackur as part of their customer strategy to find and engage with mentions from parts of the net that are harder to monitor, such as forums (Perhaps by responding to questions, complaints, compliments, etc.).

Branding Tools Trackur

SEE ALSO: How to Improve Brand Signals for Better SEO

5. Customer Relationship Management – Streak

Streak is a Chrome-based CRM plugin that integrates with Gmail to track engagements with emails. It is an invaluable tool that allows brands to track how many users open or click on links in newsletters or promotional emails.

Branding Tools Streak

In Conclusion:

Digital branding tools exist to help you manage your online reputation. Focus on the unique relationship between content, SEO, and brand mentions to optimize your sales pipeline.

Which of these 5 tools are you currently using in your digital strategy? Are there any others you recommend?

Written by
Nadia Carmon

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