How to Be More Transparent on Social Media

how to be more transparent on social media dbi

Social media can be intimidating at times. Especially when you think about how updates you and others share can live on forever. The weight of this fact alone is enough to make anyone hesitant to be transparent. To win over your audience, you want to open up and be more transparent on social media.

Not being transparent on social media can hurt your brand.  Whether you are interacting with your audience on Facebook, replying to a Twitter mention, or responding to a negative comment on a review site, representing your brand inaccurately and communicating dishonestly can prove disastrous.

Transparency is key if you want to engage your audience, grow your business, and build your credibility. Use the following guidelines to share more authentic social messages.

How to Be More Transparent on Social Media

Infuse your personality into your role

Why should someone support you when there are others offering your same products or services?

Personality is a major aspect that distinguishes one individual from another. If you can infuse your personality into your digital brand, your business will outshine competitors.

If you have a role with a high level of responsibility, you may have a difficult time feeling like there is room for you to be personal online. For example, if you’re a doctor, lawyer, or public officer, the weight of your role may make you want to hide your personality.

A police department was able to gain positive attention by taking part in a popular dance challenge.

When communicating, make sure to be your authentic self. It is possible to infuse your personality into your posts while being appropriate and maintaining the ethics of your profession.

Share your aspirations

No matter what field you are in now, you have a goal that you aspire to.

If you run a small business, an international trade corporation may be your aspiration. If you are a doctor, being a top specialist in your field may be your aspiration.

Become more relatable by telling your story and communicating your vision.

How to Tell Your Digital Brand Story



How to Tell Your Digital Brand Story Podcast

You can also share what has motivated you. Share a photo of someone you admire. Write about how they have impacted your business or journey. Pass along quotes that have encouraged you or advice that has been valuable.

Share your progress

Happy 4th birthday, @instagram!

A photo posted by Facebook (@facebook) on

Regardless of where you are now, it’s likely you aren’t where you started. Sharing your progress and growth is a way to be more transparent on social media.

Did you start your business in a garage but now have an office? Has your team grown? Have you met a new milestone? Learned a new skill? These are all opportunities to share a moment you hold special with your audience.

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Imagine you are sitting in your living room with family or friends. You feel relaxed. You may tell jokes, and own all of your quirks. These people get to experience your unfiltered personality yet they know and love you, probably all the more for it.

An easy way to be more transparent on social media is by not taking yourself too seriously. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Share that goofy photo booth picture
  • Take part in a song challenge but make the lyrics relate to your brand
  • Incorporate a little humor where appropriate with a joke
  • Share your hidden talents that may be surprising for your role

Share more than your best stuff

If you scroll through your social feeds, you’ll likely see posts of fabulous vacations, exotic foods, exclusive events and so forth. Many tend to use social media as a highlight reel and only post their greatest experiences, most flattering photos, and proudest accomplishments.

The long days, the challenges, and the blunders that they don’t want people to know about go unpublicized. While it is easy to post only the best and brightest moments, taking a more balanced approach to the content you share will naturally help people connect with you on a deeper level because guess what?

They’ve been there too. They’ve made silly mistakes. They’ve had challenges too. So use that to connect with your audience.

Have a transparent story you’ve shared with your audience? We’d love to hear about what you’ve done to be more transparent on social media. Share the details in the comments.

Written by
Juntae DeLane

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